A Step-by-Step Guide to Running a Node on Pastel Network

Ima-Abasi Pius Joseph
3 min readJun 30, 2023


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Are you an avid enthusiast of blockchain technology and NFTs? Running a node on Pastel Network is a great way to get started! Pastel Network introduces an innovative decentralized marketplace that harnesses the potential of blockchain to revolutionize the art industry.

By running a node on Pastel Network, you can seamlessly participate in this creative ecosystem and experience the seamless integration of blockchain with the art industry.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up your node on Linux using PastelUp, the software designed to interface with Pastel Network’s distributed blockchain.

Running a Node: Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Download and Install PastelUp

PastelUp is your gateway to the Pastel Network. It installs, updates, and manages the Pastel daemon (pastelD) and everything required for the storage layer (e.g., WalletNode, SuperNode). Make sure to check the latest documentation on GitHub: https://github.com/pastelnetwork/pastelup.

To download PastelUp, visit: https://download.pastel.network/#beta/.

Run the following commands in your terminal to install PastelUp:

wget https://github.com/pastelnetwork/pastelup/releases/download/v1.1.3/pastelup-linux-amd64
chmod 755 pastelup-linux-amd64

Step 2: Install a Node

After successfully installing PastelUp, you can proceed with installing the Pastel node. Use the following command:

./pastelup-linux-amd64 install node -r latest

For testnet, add the -n=testnet flag:

./pastelup-linux-amd64 install node -r latest -n=testnet

Step 3: Run Your Node

Once the node is installed, start the Pastel node with this command:

./pastelup-linux-amd64 start node

Ensure that you are connected to the network by using the pastel-cli to check the number of connected nodes:

./pastel-cli getconnectioncount

Step 4: Setup Your Wallet and PastelID

To send and receive PSL (Pastel Network’s native currency) and create NFTs, you’ll need a Pastel address and a unique PastelID.

Generate a new Pastel address:

./pastel-cli getnewaddress

Backup the private key associated with the address:

./pastel-cli dumpprivkey <address you just printed>

Create a PastelID to identify your art on the network:

./pastel-cli pastelid newkey "<passphrase>"

Register your PastelID on the network:

./pastel-cli tickets register id <artist-pastel-id> "passphrase" <artist-address>

Step 5: Stop Your Node

To stop your Pastel node, execute the following command:

./pastelup-linux-amd64 stop node

Step 6: Update Your Node

Keep your node up-to-date by running:

./pastelup-linux-amd64 update node -r latest

Step 7: Ensure Full Network Sync

Before engaging in any network activities, ensure your node is fully synced. Use the mnsync status API:

./pastel-cli mnsync status

Step 8: Register NFTs

With your node connected, you’re ready to explore the vast world of NFTs! To register and search for rare digital art, visit WalletNode.

Now you are all set to delve into the Pastel Network ecosystem! By running your node, you actively contribute to the secure and transparent marketplace for rare digital art.

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Ima-Abasi Pius Joseph

Research Writer ǀ Web3 Marketer ǀ Petroleum Engineering Graduate ǀ Part-time Journalist