Sense: The Lightweight Protocol on Pastel Network Revolutionizing NFT Provenance

In the NFT space, the question of provenance has been a thorny one for many creators. How can they be sure that their digital collectibles are truly rare and unique, rather than just copies of other NFTs that already exist on the blockchain? This is where Sense, a lightweight protocol on the Pastel Network, comes in.
About Sense Protocol
Sense protocol is a lightweight protocol built on Pastel Network that leverages advanced image analysis techniques to compare the pixel patterns in the metadata of NFTs to establish their relative rareness. This unique protocol provides a more accurate and sophisticated way to assess the rareness of NFTs, which is crucial for creators who want to establish the value of their digital collectibles and creates a more secure and transparent marketplace for rare digital art.
What makes Sense Protocol the Gamechanger?
Sense is designed to assess the relative rareness of a given NFT against near-duplicate metadata. It can recognize even the most subtle similarities between two digital collectibles, even if one has been transformed in complex ways. This is a significant improvement over the standard “digital fingerprint” approach to establishing NFT rareness, which is a relatively weak form of rareness.
The Sense protocol goes beyond digital fingerprints and looks at the rareness of the pixel patterns in data. It assigns a “Relative Rareness Score” to quantify how rare an NFT is relative to all NFTs in the underlying dataset. This score ranges from 0% to 100%, with 0% indicating that the NFT is identical to an existing NFT and 100% indicating that the NFT is not even similar to any known NFT.
Two properties of Sense’s rareness scores make it far more powerful and useful than existing techniques.
Firstly, it does not require an NFT to be an exact duplicate. The NFT data can be transformed in all sorts of complex ways, and the system will still recognize it as being a “near-duplicate” of an existing NFT. Secondly, it allows for much more gradation of rareness. The output provides a well-defined rareness score to the nearest hundredth of a percent, providing useful information about how visually similar each NFT is compared to all known NFTs on the blockchain.
Why is Sense essential to Creators?
Well, for starters, it provides a more accurate way of assessing the rareness of NFTs, which is crucial for creators who want to establish the value of their digital collectibles. Additionally, it creates a more secure and transparent marketplace for rare digital art, protecting against fraud and ensuring that NFTs are sold securely.
Final Thoughts
Sense is a breakthrough protocol that is revolutionizing NFT provenance. It provides a more accurate and sophisticated way of assessing the rareness of NFTs, which is essential for creators who want to establish the value of their digital collectibles. With Sense, the NFT ecosystem can become more secure, transparent, and reliable, paving the way for even greater innovation in the world of digital art.